Saturday, 4 June 2011

A Little Piece of Heaven on earth

When the Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would be established, He answered by saying to them: “The Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)

Even the people of the world who have not yet accepted the authority and salvation of Christ in their lives agree that we are on the cusp of something momentous. A new era will soon dawn that will change the world forever. However, no one knows the day or the hour of the coming of Christ; not even the angels in Heaven are privy to this information – it is only the Father who knows. (Matt 24:36)

So, what about the here and now? How does the coming Kingdom of God affect our lives today? Jesus indicated that the Kingdom of God, although only literally arriving in splendid glory at His Coming, already has its foundation in the heart of every believer. Christ reigns first in your heart! Your heart must be the seat of His royal throne.

It is only when we totally surrender our hearts to Him, that our lives on this earth become more meaningful and our trials easier to bear. Life may throw hard challenges at you, but with the beginnings of an eternal Kingdom in your heart, you can be an oasis of stability to others around you who are left reeling by the stresses and cares of this world. When they try to unravel the puzzle of your life, they will find Christ! When they look at you with a sense of awe and admiration, they look at Him with a sense of awe and admiration! You can become a mirror that reflects Christ to the world. When people say you’re a wonderful person, you can assert to them that they’re really calling Him wonderful!

God has put a little piece of Heaven inside the heart of each of His children and all the “sham, drudgery and broken dreams” of this world cannot crush it out of you! It is the hope of glory that will be fully revealed at His Second Coming. Do not let your soul be downcast; rather hope in God for Your Redeemer lives and you will soon see Him! (Rev 21, Job 19:25)