Just before his death on the cross, Jesus uttered three significant words. These are recorded for us in John’s gospel (Jn 19:30) as: “It is finished.” The work of redemption had been completed, and the penalty had been paid. Salvation was freely available from that moment to anyone who would believe in the righteous Son of God.
However, the process was not an easy one. Jesus did not HAVE to leave the glories of Heaven to come to earth to be rejected and reviled by humankind, who He sought only to save. He could have left us to perish in paying the due penalty for our sins, through eternal death. However, He had made up His mind voluntarily that He would save us. He had the power to lay down His life and to take it up again; He chose of His accord to assert this power for our benefit (Jn 10:17-18).
He could have decided to leave the work of atonement undone at any point in time prior to His crucifixion. At his arrest, He could have summoned ten thousand angels to rescue Him (Matt 26:63). However, our Saviour decided to go all the way for us. Even when His physical strength was all but exhausted, He hung on because He knew that it meant the difference between life and death for us.
In the same manner, we are called to be soldiers of the cross. Our mission is to spread the gospel to all nations preparatory to the return of our Lord in the clouds of glory. Sometimes, we feel that no one notices the work we do and conversions are few. However, we are not to give up in well-doing though we may be weary, for in due time we will receive the reward of a good and faithful servant if we do not lose heart (Gal 6:9).
Those who are involved in the work of teaching and church leadership are called to a higher responsibility and standard
(Jer 23:1-2). They must answer for leading astray those under their care, or for leaving the work concerning them unfinished. We should endeavour to leave no stone unturned in seeking the salvation of the lost, and in helping those privileged to be in His presence to remain there. We should work even harder, considering that there are many false teachers, who like ravenous wolves, disguise themselves as shepherds of the flock of God (Matt 7:15, Acts 20:29). Let not the blood of the uninformed be on our heads, but rather let us be faithful watchmen in warning others of the soon return of our Lord (Ezek 33:6, Ezek 3:20).
Let us finish the work we have been called to do, just as the Saviour’s meat and drink was to do His Father’s will and to finish His work (Jn 4:34). He finished the work He was called to accomplish on our behalf. Let us with like passion, finish the work that we have started! He has promised to be faithful to us in bringing the good work He has started in our lives to a grand completion. It is time for the great church of God to awake from our slumber and to work the works of Him who has commissioned us, for night will soon fall when no man may work (Jn 9:4).