Sunday, 12 June 2011

God never took away your Freedom of Choice!

Last year at church, we did a Bible study series on the power of choice. I have felt impressed by the Lord to bring to our attention some of satan’s new tactics on using our God –given freedom of choice against us. The Apostle Paul warned us of this.

God has never taken our freedom of choice from us. We are free moral agents and can choose who we wish to worship and pledge our allegiance to. Our choice determines our destiny. God has provided for the salvation of every person on this earth, but He will not override our freedom of choice. If we make the choice to serve satan (and there are many varied ways of accomplishing this end), we have chosen our own ruin and destruction and God will not intervene and IMPOSE His salvation upon us.

We need to however, be aware that even though Jesus has made it clear that anyone who serves his own evil desires and the desires of this world is against God, satan often lures us into thinking that we will not fall into this trap.

There are many things in society that are allowable today, that would have been taboo in generations past. The moral base of society has degraded to the extent that we have lost the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, ethical and unethical. Where before we had God-given moral clarity on various issues of life, satan has introduced “grey areas” and caused us to put reason, logic and the desire for acceptance ahead of what we know in our heart to be absolute Truth. People nowadays will do anything to be accepted, and this includes sacrificing our morals for a relative truth that satan propagates, that in actual fact does not exist. (2 Tim 3:7)

Satan tried to prevent people from knowing God in the Dark Ages by not allowing Bibles to be freely distributed to all men. When the light of the Reformation dawned in the hearts of men, and superseded the Dark Ages, satan realized that his tactics were no longer effective. Being the strategist that he is, he came up with a smarter idea to get us on his side. He introduced “information overload” which is the author of confusion. There is so much information to evaluate today that people have now taken the easier route of surrendering their power of choice and following anything blindly. The wide road to destruction is full of people who are afraid of making a choice, but choose to blindly follow others instead. In doing this, we unconsciously HAVE made a choice – the choice to surrender our true freedom and be part of “satan’s counterfeit Christianity/religion.” It is a religion that is widely accepted because it doesn’t stand for any principles, but instead accepts truth to be whatever you, as an individual, consider it to be.

The Bible is more widely distributed than any other book today, but very few of us know what God is saying to us through His inspired Word. Professed servants of God have been corrupted by satan to deceive the masses, and people who say they’re Christians are actually not! Watch and pray, lest you fall into temptation! (Matt 24:4-8). The signs of Christ's return are being more pronounced every day. God never took away our freedom of choice; He just wants us to make the right decision because He loves us. The Bible describes a generation of people in the last days "who will be ever learning, yet never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth." You don't have to be part of that generation. Choose to know Jesus-the Way, the Truth and the Life! (John 14:6)

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." -2 Tim 4:3-4

"Jesus saith unto Him: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me."-John 14:6

"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."- 2 Tim 3:7

Scripture refs: Read 2 Tim 3, ch 4:3-4