God is calling us all to active service in His Kingdom. Although His Kingdom has not yet arrived visibly in majestic splendor in the clouds of glory, we have declared Him King in our hearts and He remains the King of the Universe and beyond.
Jesus asks some interesting questions in Luke 17:7-10. He asked His disciples which master, having a servant who came in from the field, would give his servant permission to sit down and eat before having first served the master. He then states what the conventional master would do i.e. ask to be served first. The master would not thank his servant for having performed his duty since he was merely fulfilling his purpose, neither would the servant expect any thanks from his master for having done his job.
Contrast this with John 13:3-5 where Jesus, knowing His position as master and sent of God, laid aside His garments and took the position of a servant in washing the feet of His disciples. What was He trying to say? He was trying to show that He is not a master like the masters of this world, who too often do not deserve the respect given them. Being the Son of God, He has every right to our respect and worship and yet He assumes the posture of a servant.
Now examine Luke 12:37. Jesus speaks of the future reward of His servants i.e. those who have labored for Him in this world. If He were like other masters, He would not thank them or give them honours for merely performing their assigned tasks. However, this verse reveals that when His Kingdom in all its glory is established, the King of the Universe will still be the same Lord that serves His servants and bestows upon them honours they don’t deserve! It says that His servants who are found working at His return will sit at His table and He will come forth girded to serve them. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! (Heb 13:8)
He served during His time on earth. He gave His life to save us from our sins, and in the future He will still consider it a delight to serve those whom He loves. This shows that what you do doesn’t detract from who you are (Luke 22:24-30). The King remains the king even though He chooses to serve. So basically the message to us in Luke 17:7-10 is that we are not greater than our Lord. We should not expect any thanks from those we serve. We’re just doing our duty! Don’t let your service come tainted with ulterior motives or exercise a superiority complex over those you serve. Let the love of Christ, the servant-King, shine through your deeds. Let all the world see it and give glory to God! (Mat 5:16, 1 Cor 10:31, Col 3:17, Phil 2:14)