Beautiful Saviour died on a tree;
Heaven’s perfect Ransom
For sinners like me…
Grace so strong,
Love so free;
Lion of Judah, Lamb of Mercy…
As you hung on Calvary’s Cross
My sins to bear;
Not nails of steel, but Love kept You there…
Rising triumphant;
You won the victor’s crown
The grave could not hold the Matchless One!
Ever-living Conquering Son!
Eternal salvation for faithful believers won;
Interceding for us, Oh Perfect High Priest,
Preparing our place at the Heavenly Feast…
Soon to return as Reigning King,
The faithful will joyfully shout and sing!
From the clouds of glory, on a white steed you ride
Coming to claim Your waiting Bride…
Mansions of glory for the saints prepared;
For those You have loved
From the foundation of the world…
I love You Jesus!
Can’t wait to see You return…
This poem was inspired by Rev 19:11-16