The Apostle Paul wrote eloquently in the book of Romans on the theme of Law and Grace, and I think we are all enjoying studying this topic immensely. However, many still find it difficult to understand despite their best efforts and intentions.
I have often found that analogies, hypothetical examples and practical experience are the best ways to understand abstract concepts. Our Lord often spoke in parables, using the simple everyday things of this Earth to illustrate certain aspects or Kingdom principles. And so, here goes my attempt at trying to make this a bit easier to understand. (Rom 6-7, Jude 1:4, Heb 12:4)
The Law of God is like a trapeze artist who has the task of walking a tightrope, a difficult if not impossible task for most of us! Just like the Law is difficult to keep in our own strength, so it is with the trapeze artist who has not put in hours of dedicated practice – raw talent can only take you so far; the rest is dependent on the amount of effort you put in. In the same manner, keeping the Law without the aid of the Holy Spirit working within the recesses of our heart, is an impossible feat for the best of men. We often fall!
Just as the trapeze artist cannot afford to look to the right or the left, so we are encouraged to “meditate on His Law day and night,” for then we will have good success. We cannot afford to cruise through life unintentionally, without thinking of doing our best to keep God’s Royal Law in the strength of His Spirit and with the “mind of Christ.” (1 Cor 2:16, Jos 1:8)
How does grace fit in with the Law? Well, the trapeze artist feels a lot safer while swinging across the heights or walking the tightrope because she knows that if she falls, there is a net beneath that is strong enough to catch her. Secure in this knowledge, she is able to test the limits of her endurance. She hopes she will never need to use the safety net, but she is thankful that it is there when she does fall. In fact, the safety net gives her the mental stability and comfort she needs to soar higher and more gracefully than ever! So it is with us. The “safety net” of God’s Grace is not meant to be spurned or taken lightly. We should not spend most of our time there, but rather we should live in greater consecration and sanctification because we have experienced what it is like to fall and be caught by God’s Grace. Sin should never abound because Grace abounds! We should never give up the battle against sin because we have misinterpreted Grace to be a “comfort zone.”
God’s grace is meant to lead to greater obedience to His Law, because we love Him and desire to please Him. Love springs to obedience, which then springs to greater love! We can do nothing in and of ourselves; it’s faith in the righteousness of Christ that saves us, but on the same token this does not give us license to be indifferent and complacent regarding asking God for victory over our weaknesses and sins and living out our lives as a testimony of His Grace which enables us to soar!
You have not yet “resisted unto blood.” Christ did that for you; don’t take that lightly!
Scripture refs: Romans ch6-ch7, Jude 1:4, Heb 12:4, 1 Cor 2:16