Sunday, 21 August 2011

The Fragrance of Christ

As I write this week’s message, I can’t stop thinking about the woman who anointed the Lord with a costly ointment in the house of Simon the Pharisee. She came bearing a gift that was a representation of the love that the Lord had already shed abroad in her heart. She came recognizing that she was no better than anyone else, and in a posture of humility and deep contrition, she poured the ointment on the feet of the Saviour. She came with mixed feelings, weeping with godly sorrow for the sins in her life, but with joy that He had granted her a royal pardon. (2 Cor 7:10)

There was no judgment or condemnation in her thoughts or actions. She had forgotten about the people around her. Her eyes were on the Lord and nothing could detract from the special moment she shared with Him. Their disbelieving stares and hurtful words that ordinarily would have cut to her heart like a knife through butter had no effect on her that day. All she knew, all she remembered was the saving grace of the Lord.

Sometimes, like that woman, I find myself thinking about the Saviour. There are days when thoughts of Him fill my mind even as I go about the daily tasks of life. Those are the really good days, when the fragrance that He put in my heart bubbles over, exuding grace, serenity and beauty. This I have come to know as the fragrance of Christ, the fragrance of His Spirit. It is the same Spirit that binds us together as brothers and sisters in the family of God. It is the same Spirit who caused the Psalmist David’s cup to run over (Ps 23), who emboldened the testimony of the Apostles (Acts 4:13, 29, 31), who testifies that we’re saved by His grace and we’re nothing without Him. (John 15:5)

The fragrance of Christ is what makes the world stop and take notice that He reigns, and to truly taste and see that the Lord is good, and that His mercy endures forever!(Ps 34:8) I am sure I am not alone in saying that friends sometimes ask: “What happy pills are you on today?”  Some have said: “You always say you’re okay…sometimes I think you’d say that even though the world crumbled around you…” (Ps 46) All I can say is that it is the Spirit of Christ, the Comforter, who makes all the difference. The Holy Spirit’s job is to convict the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment, to bring us to the Saviour, to bring to remembrance and fruition Christ’s teachings in our lives, to help us renounce evil and do good (Jn 16:8, 14:17).  May the Spirit of the Lord always be with you as you labour for Him, and let the fragrance of your heart be the fragrance of Christ. Though you may go about life unassumingly and quietly, let the Spirit testify of the reality of a life surrendered to the Saviour. May all the world see it and give glory to the Father! (Matt 5:16)

Scripture refs: Please read the Scripture refs quoted in this message. Also read Matt 26, Mark 14 and Luke 7 for the story of the woman who anointed the Lord in the house of the Pharisee.