It all started with a nation in obscurity, yet chosen by God. The nation of Israel did not start out as a nation deserving of God’s favour, yet He chose to use this nation to showcase what He could do if they surrendered to Him. (Deut 10:15)
As long as the nation of Israel obeyed God, they were triumphant in battle and had the privilege of being led by God Himself through the pillar of cloud in the day and fire by night. This nation had nothing to boast about. They never chose God; rather it was God who chose them. (Ex 13:21)
God wanted the nation of Israel to be different. They were called to be His own peculiar people, a special people close to His heart. In and through them, all the families of the earth were to be blessed. However, instead of embracing their heritage, they yearned to be like the pagan tribes around them and desired their own king. They rejected the rule of the Majesty of Heaven in favour of an earthly king, slave to like passions as themselves. They wanted a king who would ride triumphantly into battle with them, yet their battles had always been the Lord’s! (1 Sam 8:5-20)
In the same manner we being the church, as spiritual Israel, have been called to be kings and priests to our God and to reign with Him in His kingdom which will never end. However, we find ourselves as pilgrims in this far country of life, and instead of seeking the everlasting City of God, we are distracted by this world and it’s people. We long to be like them more than we long to be like our Saviour. He has created us to shine like lights in a perverse world to show all people His glory, but instead we prefer to blend into the crowds. We claim to value originality, but we evidence a pitiful lack thereof. Our dress, the way we walk and talk, and conduct business is the same as is commonly found in this world. It is not often that others see the difference! (Phil 2:15, Heb 11:13, 1 Pet 2:11)
Why is it that we prefer to crawl when God has designed us to soar with Him? We were not made to be creatures of habit, slaves to sin. We are not meant to sit in church for years and years with nothing to show for it. We were made in the image of God, to triumph over evil. Christ is daily restoring that image in us and we are called to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and to overcome sin through the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit. The time has come to stop “playing church” and start living it out in our lives! We need the deliverance of Christ to manifest in our lives, so that the whole world can see the difference. (Gen 1:27, Col 3)
God has called us to perfection because He is perfect. He has called us to holiness because He is holy. As His people, we must reflect His character. It is a high ideal to strive for, but with Christ all things are possible! Although our righteousness pales in comparison to His, we are called to model our lives on His life and to walk just as He walked if we are to be His true disciples. Put aside selfish, carnal desires and let Christ unravel the puzzle that is your life today! (1 Jn 2:6, Acts 4:13)
God has the best plan for your life; why don't you surrender to Him today? With God in your corner, there is nothing that life can throw at you that you and Him together can't handle.You can't afford NOT to know Him!