Monday, 12 August 2013

No one is like the LORD; He is Sovereign

Despite the many warnings and the first two plagues, Pharaoh continued his stubborn refusal to let the Israelites go. Perhaps his excuse was that his court magicians could replicate these signs. If so, the LORD planned to give him enough evidence of His authority and sovereignty over the magicians and the false “gods” of Egypt. The third plague would be a turning point in the process of deliverance of Israel; from this point on the magicians of Egypt would no longer be able to replicate any of the plagues that the LORD would bring upon Egypt. In fact, many of the plagues that were to follow would make a clear distinction between the people of Pharaoh and the people of the LORD.

The Biblical narrative on the third plague is not very extensive when compared to that of the first two plagues. In Genesis, God had formed man out of the dust of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life. In Exodus 8 God, out of the very same dust, created gnats to invade the land of Egypt as punishment upon the sons of disobedience. From the very same dust God, in His infinite power, was able to create man-the pinnacle of His creation-as well as gnats, the lowliest of creation. There are many types of gnats found in the natural environment; some are harmless while others have the ability to bite or sting.  The gnats clung to man and beast and were a great source of torment, hence one can reasonably assume that the gnats that invaded Egypt were of the biting or stinging variety.

The magicians of Egypt, try as they might, were neither able to reproduce the sign nor were they able to reverse it. “This is the Finger of God!” they exclaimed to Pharaoh. However, Pharaoh once again hardened his heart against the sign and Egypt was left to suffer once more.

Scripture refs: Exodus 8:16-19