Jesus is coming soon. We can see the signs around us every day. Not a week goes by without some news of a natural disaster somewhere in the world. Creation is groaning under the weight of sin and waiting for the final day of reckoning when evil will forever be banished and the earth and heavens will be filled with the glory of the Lord like the waters cover the sea. (Is 11:9, Hab 2:14, Rom 8:22)
However, in our anticipation for the coming of Jesus Christ, we must not forget to best utilize the time given to us now. When He comes on the clouds of glory, there will be no time for character development and the putting away of sin. The Bible says in Rev 22:11 that the unjust will remain unjust, the filthy will remain filthy and the righteous will remain righteous. It will be too late then to improve your character. The wicked will pray that the rocks may fall on them to hide them from the consuming presence of a holy King (Rev 6:16).
Just as the Jews of old were given a timeline to put away sin and to accept the promised Messiah (Dan 9:24) , so we are given a timeline today for character development so that we can be ready to receive Him in joy at His second coming.
God does not regard sin by degrees of severity although we, in our human nature, are guilty of condemning others for their sins which we deem more serious than the sins in our own lives which are too easily rationalized away. To God, lying is just as abominable as murder. There will be liars outside the gates of city of God together with the murderers and anyone who breaks God’s commandments and refuses to repent and receive the salvation freely provided by Christ’s atoning sacrifice (Rev 22:15). Lying is an expensive business. It costs time and causes undue stress as one lie normally leads to another until a complicated web of deceit is spun which eventually usually ends up trapping the liar!
On a hill called Calvary, Jesus settled the score once and for all. The playing fields were leveled and we, as Christian disciples, are called to know the seriousness of sin and that it’s not the size of the sin that matters (Luke 7:41-47). If there was only one liar in the world, the commandments would still have been broken and his careless lie would still have cost Jesus His life.
This life on earth is our training ground for the eternal life we will one day inherit. If we cannot learn how to renounce evil now, what makes us think that we will be able to renounce evil later so as to be part of God’s Kingdom? Although renouncing of sin does not earn you eternal life*, it is a sign that you have responded to God’s forgiveness in love and thankfulness and that you are in a right standing with Him.
Just as a student burns the midnight oil to pass an examination, so we must spend time with God to refine our characters for the greatest test of all-Judgement Day. IT CAN BE A DAY OF FEAR OR EXCITEMENT; DEATH OR LIFE. YOU CHOOSE!
PS:Although some people have said that today would herald the end of the world, the Bible does not give any specific dates for Christ's return. Read Mark 13:28-37. Jesus said that no man knows the hour, not even the angels or Himself but only the Father. However, we can see by the signs around us that His Coming is drawing nearer.
Scripture refs: Matt 25:1-13;Rev 22:11,15; Luke 7:36-50
* eternal life CANNOT be earned, but it is a free gift to ALL who accept Christ as personal Saviour.