The love of God is seen in the wide expanse of the skies, and in the mysterious depths of the ocean. His unending mercy is seen in the vastness of the great plains and His majesty in the peaks of the towering mountains. His righteousness is mirrored in the crystal waters of the lakes and streams and His providence is reflected through all of His creation.
The brilliant rays of the dawning sun that awaken us every morning are only a reflection of His brilliant glory and the whispering wind speaks of His kindness to us.
His care and gentleness is seen the delicate petals of every flower and His grace in every bird that soars in the firmament above.
Nature testifies daily of the existence and sustaining power of an awesome Creator. Language barriers and geographical divides may slow down the message of hope to the world, but in the works of Creation are no such barriers as they are exposed for the entire world to see and marvel. There is therefore no excuse for a world that refuses to acknowledge the Creator of heaven and earth and instead chooses to worship the works of creation or man-made images that neither hear nor speak.