Saturday, 19 January 2013

Your Way, oh God, is in Your Sanctuary

I think of Your sanctuary
While journeying in the desert place;
It feels like an oasis in the vastness of the open space...

In the day the sun beats down on me
And in the night, the tempests roll;
The thought of Your Sanctuary keeps me warm in the cold...

Your way Oh God, is in Your Sanctuary!
Scene of everlasting Grace!
At the altar of sacrifice, where the Lamb took my place...

In your Sanctuary I am accepted, just as I am
Yet I am changed forever!
Washed clean by the Blood of the Lamb...

You have brought me to your Table
In the presence of my foes;
Bread of Heaven, your sufficiency I will know...

You put a light in my heart that cannot be quenched
Fuelled by your Spirit,  seven times perfect!
By Your unending Love, I know I am sent

To tell of Your Grace  in the Sanctuary above
Where Your Prayers are ascending
In the incense of Love,
Where Your Blood is the plea of mercy for me
Where the curtain is torn,  the obstructing veil gone!
Where You have freed me to approach the Throne NOW
With my cries of  anguish and my tears of joy
With a sense of wonder, basking in Your Glory;
Your Law stands forever, it’s the foundation of  Your Throne!

Your Way, oh God, is in Your  Sanctuary...

Scripture ref:  Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?  (Psalm 77:13)