Jesus said: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” (Matt 4:4) It is the Word of God that created us and it is still the Word of God that sustains us each and every day of our lives. Therefore the Word of God should be the focal point of our lives. It has many functions.
It serves as a moral compass to us to help us avoid the darker aspect of our human natures. “It is a lamp unto our feet, and a Light unto our paths.” (Ps 119:105) When the Word of God is eliminated from a society, moral decay soon follows.
In every Word of God is wrapped up His constant love for us and His desire to protect us. I like to imagine that God had each of us specifically in mind when He wrote His Royal Law. Isaiah 49:16 says He has our names engraved on the palms of His hands. When the Word of God is practiced in the daily life of a believer, it serves as a happy liberation to the soul and leads others to admire God, our King.
The Law of God reflects His justice and points us to Christ, in whom is revealed His mercy. Like the blood of Christ represented “the sorrow and love that flowed mingled down”, so the Word of God represents His heart and thoughts to us.
We should follow the Word of God not through grudging or legalistic obedience as slaves to it, but rather because we love God. Jesus said: “If you love Me, You will keep my commandments.” We are sons, not slaves and we should behave as such. (Romans 8:15)
Shakespeare wrote that: “love is a star to every wandering bark, whose worth is not known though its height be taken.”
The Word of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures is our “star of gladness gleaming”, for there is no greater love than the love of our Heavenly Father who has promised to “write His Law within our hearts.” (Romans 2:15). Keep your thoughts pure-reflect on God’s Law! (Phil 4:8)
"So speak and do as those who shall be judged by the Law of liberty." -James 2:12
"So speak and do as those who shall be judged by the Law of liberty." -James 2:12