Saturday, 31 December 2011

A Message for the New Year - 2012

Time has flown by! Tomorrow, should the grace of  God allow, we will greet the first day of the new year. 2011 has been a year of new experiences for some and tragedy for others. We have definitely been reminded of the brevity of time for the coming of our Lord; the signs have been more pronounced than ever before. We should know where our priorities lie.

2011 brought with it an increase in natural disasters. Storms, cyclones, floods, tornadoes, tsunamis and earthquakes  have been commonplace, and the second biggest nuclear disaster the world has experienced since Chernobyl shocked the world. In addition,  we face the imminent spectre of global warming which threatens life  on our planet. No doubt, greater challenges await us in 2012 as the Bible decrees that this world will be shaken to its core before the return of Jesus Christ.

2012 indeed promises to be an eventful and exciting year. Some believe it will be a year of apocalyptic proportions, literally! With the end of the Mayan long count calendar, some believe that the 21st December 2012 will mark the end of the world as we know it.

However, despite all these daunting challenges, we have the assurance of our Lord that He would never leave us, nor forsake us and that He would be with us even unto the end of the world, whenever that may be. We have the assurance of the prophecies to guide us in the days that lie ahead so that we are not perplexed. The Word of our Lord is to us a guiding light into a brilliant future with Him. We need not worry about the day of His return coming as a thief in the night, for we have been forewarned and are eagerly awaiting His return. Though we sleep, like the ten wise virgins, we will have our lamps trimmed and the oil of the Holy Spirit within us so that we will be ready for His glorious and much awaited return.

In this world, we have sorrow and pain but Jesus has commanded us to take heart, for He has overcome the world. He has laid the groundwork and the strong,  sure foundation of our salvation rests upon Him. He is our Rock and our Fortress, our ever present help in the day of trouble. Our enemies may come against us armed and dangerous, but like David of old we can say: “You come against me with a sword, spear and shield. I come to you in the Name of the Lord…”

As we enter the New Year, let us do it in strength and boldness and with great faith that despite the challenges, it will be a year of victory. Let us leave behind the worry and anxiety that the uncertain future brings and instead leave that future in the capable and strong hands of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He is our Defender, our Protector, our Saviour, our Providence and so much more! As your first leap of faith, I encourage you to not to procrastinate with those New Year’s Resolutions! Work smart, play hard and exercise hard in the New Year. Do all things for His glory. Never forget, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
Matt 28:18-20, 1 Thes 5:2-5, Matt 25:1-13, Phil 4:13, Phil 1:21, Ps 91, 1 Sam 17:45, Matt 24

Saturday, 24 December 2011


I am a pilgrim on a journey
To the Promised Land;
I have asked God for guidance,
That He would take my hand…

Often anxious, often weary
As meandering paths I tread
I remember my Saviour;
He had no place to lay His head…

I will trust Him for He already has traveled this narrow way;
He is my fire by night, my pillar of cloud by day
He will never leave me, nor forsake me;
His Promise is sure
I will be with Him in His Kingdom,
Where we will dwell forevermore…

While I journey on this road,
I find tokens of His love:
The garden of tears,
The Cross on which He shed His blood…

He died to relieve me
Of my burden of sin,
So He could raise me to glory,
To a new life with Him…

Now I live to serve Him,
Though my debt I cannot repay;
All I can do is walk this journey
In His strength each day…

Soon, my journey will be over
And I will take my rest;
When my King comes in glory,
I will awaken in the City of the Blessed…

This poem was inspired by: Gal 4:26, Heb 11, Matt 8:19-20, Ex 13:21-22, Matt 28:18-20, Mark 14:32-72, John 19:16-20, 2 Cor 5:21, Is 53, Rom 6, Ps 46, Rev 21-22

Friday, 16 December 2011

Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages,
Constant You remain;
Yesterday, today and forever the same! (chorus)

Saints and angels Your praises sing;
Through countless eons their voices ring!
Your steadfastness not eroded by time,
Creator of the worlds sublime!

You are the Rock which is higher than me,
I will forever run to thee!
In Your secret pavilion I will be,
Forever sheltered by Your mercy…

You are my strength when all falls apart;
Though the earth crumble, constant thou art!
Show me Your way, help me decide
When I am faced with the crossroads of life…

When no knight in shining armour
Rides to my rescue;
I am content because I have You!

Rock of Ages, bulwark of time;
You are strong forever, forever  mine!
I will trust in Your everlasting love
As revealed in  the Son who came from above…

This poem/song was inspired by: Ex 33:22,  Num 24:21,  Deut 32:4,  1 Sam 2:2,  2  Sam 22:2-3, 32,47,  Ps 18:2, 46, Ps 27:5, Ps 31:2-3, Ps 28:1,  Ps 40:2,  Ps 61:2, Ps 62:2, 6-7, Ps 71:3,  Ps 78:35, Ps 89:26, Ps 92:15,  Ps 94:22, Ps 95:1,  Is 8:14, Is 32:2, Matt 7:24-25, Matt 16:18, Rom 9:33, 1 Cor 10:4,  Rev 19:11-16

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Jesus, You are the Constant in my life

Jesus, You are the only Constant in my life
Brighter than the brightest star You shine!
The winds of change cannot dim Your light;
You are the Constant, the Constant in my life…(Chorus)

Jesus, Your Word will stand forevermore!
Never void will it return to You, Oh Lord;
Though heaven and earth  pass away,
Your Word forever will remain…

Jesus, You are my Guiding Light!
I will walk by faith and not by sight;
Trusting in Your everlasting Love,
Your mercy like dewdrops from above
You are the Constant, the Constant in my life…

Jesus, bright and morning Star!
Jesus, what a wonder You are!
Saints and angels bow and adore;
You are greatest, the greatest of all!

Jesus, Your Name will be known in all the earth!
Every knee will bow to praise its infinite worth;
Every creature, even the last will be first
To declare your praiseworthiness
You are the Constant, the Constant in my life…

Jesus, Lamb of Atonement to Your Friends!
Lion to those who fight against Your rule;
Heaven’s Your throne and earth Your footstool
You are the Constant in every single life!

End with Chorus

This poem/song was inspired by:John 8:12, John 9:5, Is 40:8, Matt 24:35, Is 66:1, Heb 10:11-19, Hab 2:14, Matt 19:30